The Integration of Mobile Technology into Curricula for Early Childhood Pre-service Teachers

Jale Aldemir*, Daisyane Barreto**, Hengameh Kermani***
* Department of Early Childhood Education, New Jersey City University, USA.
** Instructional Technology, University of North Carolina Wilmington, North Carolina, USA.
*** Early Childhood Education, University of North Carolina Wilmington, North Carolina, USA.
Periodicity:October - December'2019


While technology integration has influenced and changed the preparation of teacher candidates at all levels for a long time, utilization of mobile devices such as tablets, is still relatively new to teacher training institutions. Research indicates that the issue of technology integration in early childhood should move beyond the discussion of whether technology use is appropriate, and rather focus on how to integrate this medium in Early Childhood Education (ECE) in a developmentally appropriate manner. This study provides significant and valuable insights for the early childhood teacher education community by identifying a process to train early childhood pre-service teachers to evaluate and select iPad applications that are developmentally appropriate, and exploring emerging patterns of ways in which early childhood preservice teachers integrate and implement tablet technology and related apps within prekindergarten children's education.


Preservice Teacher Education, Early Childhood Education, Technology Integration.

How to Cite this Article?

Aldemir, J., Barreto, D., and Kermani, H. (2019). The Integration of Mobile Technology into Curricula For Early Childhood Pre-service Teachers. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 16(3), 21-33.


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