. Numerical simulation is carried out using MATLAB with two delay kernels in support of stability analysis.


Viral Microparasite Model with Distributed Delay

Appa Rao Dokala*, Kalesha Vali S.**, Paparao A. V.***
*Department of Mathematics, Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge, IIIT Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh, India.
**Department of Basic Sciences and Humanities and Social Sciences, JNTUK University College of Engineering, Andhra Pradesh, India.
***Department of Mathematics, JNTUK University College of Engineering, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:April - June'2019
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jmat.8.2.16451


In this paper, the authors analyze the stability analysis of directly transmitted viral microparasite model, which includes susceptible (x), infective (y), and immune (z) populations. The total population N is given by the sum of three populations (N=x + y +z). A distributed type of delay is incorporated in the interaction of susceptible (x) and infective (y) populations. The model is represented by the system of nonlinear integro-differential differential equations. It is observed that the model possessed a unique endemic equilibrium point and studied the system dynamics at this point using two delay kernels. The system is asymptotically stable if . Numerical simulation is carried out using MATLAB with two delay kernels in support of stability analysis.


Equilibrium points, Local stability, Numerical simulation, Delay argument

How to Cite this Article?

Rao, D. A., Vali, K. S., and Paparao A. V. (2019). Viral Microparasite Model with Distributed delay. i-manager's Journal on Mathematics, 8(2), 25-34. https://doi.org/10.26634/jmat.8.2.16451


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