Gabor Based Band Selection for Multispectral Palmprint Recognition System using Feature Fusion

Abubakar Sadiq Muhammad*, Auwal Sani Iliyasu**, Abubakar Umar Abdullahi***, Bello Abubakar Imam****, Shehu Hassan Ayagi*****, Muhammad Ahmad Baballe******
*_****** Department of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Technology, Kano State Polytechnic, Nigeria.
Periodicity:April - June'2019


The efficiency of a palmprint recognition system lies in its robustness and antispoofing capabilities. Enhancing their capabilities will require the use of new techniques for extracting more discriminative features from collected images particularly those with different illuminations. Feature level fusion is presented using the popular Gabor Wavelet Transform (GWT) for palmprint images collected from different light illumination, such as Red, Green, Blue, and Near Infra-Red (NIR). Individual spectra were fused as triple (R, B, NIR, and G, B, NIR) at feature level in the experiments, followed by verification of system performance by a number of classifiers. The method demonstrates that an increase in recognition performance of almost 100% could be obtained in the system by fusion of the spectra when compared to previous works.


Biometrics, Multispectral Palmprint, Feature Fusion, Gabor Wavelet Transform, Principal Component Analysis, Classifiers.

How to Cite this Article?

Muhammad, A. S., Iliyasu, A. S., Abdullahi, A. U., Imam, B. A., Ayagi, S. H., & Baballe, M. A. (2019). Gabor Based Band Selection for Multispectral Palmprint Recognition System using Feature Fusion. i-manager's Journal on Image Processing, 6(2), 14-20.


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