Design of new Universal Filters with Second Generation Current Conveyor

G. Appala Naidu*, B. T. Krishna**
*-** Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:March - May'2019


In this paper, new type of single input and three output universal filters with current conveyor as an active element is proposed. Current conveyor works similar to operational amplifier but the input and output signals are current rather than voltage. There are several types of current conveyors exist. Out of the existing, Second order current conveyor (CCII) is chosen as an active element. The proposed circuits are designed using the similar type of active element and grounded passive components. The detailed mathematical analysis is carried out. The necessary expressions for quality factor and sensitivity are also derived. The responses of High pass filter, Low pass filter and Band pass filter are measured simultaneously. The notch and all pass filters can also be realized by adding the appropriate components. All simulation work is carried out with MULTISIM 13.0. The comparative analysis is carried out with the existing techniques and is tabulated. It has been observed that the proposed circuits works good in comparison with the existing topologies.


Current Mode, Universal Filter, Dual Output, Second Generation Current Conveyor, Bandwidth, Sensitivity

How to Cite this Article?

Naidu, G. A., and Krishna, B. T. (2019). Design of New Universal Filters with Second Generation Current Conveyor. i-manager's Journal on Circuits and Systems , 7(2), 11-20.


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