Experimental Investigation on the Performance and Emission Characteristics of Two-Stroke Spark Ignition Engine with Hydrogen as Supplementary Fuel

K. Nantha Gopal*, Rayapati Subbarao**, R.Natarajan***, Fulender K****, Ram Vinoy K*****, Sanjay Jain******, Sukumar Puhan*******
*,**,***,****,*****,******, School of Mechanical and Building Sciences, VIT University, Vellore, India,
******* Professor and Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Anna University Chennai, India
Periodicity:May - July'2009
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jfet.4.4.164


Alternative-fuelled engines should be designed to counter the faster depletion of fossil fuels. Also, it becomes essential that eco-friendly technologies be used everywhere to prevent degradation that is caused due to the combustion of petroleum-based fuels. Hydrogen with low spark-energy requirement, wide flammability range and high burning velocity is an important candidate for being used as a fuel in Spark Ignition engines. It also offers almost CO, CO2 and HC free combustion and lean operation resulting in lower NOx emissions. Present work aims at reducing the emissions and specific fuel consumption by supplementing the hydrogen in different amounts along with gasoline and observing the performance and emission characteristics of a two-stroke engine. It is found that about 25% and 75% reductions are possible in hydrocarbon and CO emissions when compared with gasoline. Also, comparison of the performance of the engine with and without hydrogen is done.


two-stroke, emissions, hydrogen fuel, Spark Ignition, Manifold Injection

How to Cite this Article?

Gopal, K. N. , Subbarao, R., Natarajan, R., Fulender, K., Vinoy K. R., Jain, S., and Puhan, S. (2009). Experimental Investigation on the Performance and Emission Characteristics of Two-Stroke Spark Ignition Engine with Hydrogen as Supplementary Fuel. i-manager’s Journal on Future Engineering and Technology, 4(4), 22-28. https://doi.org/10.26634/jfet.4.4.164


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