Improved Feedback Linearization Control Scheme based Direct Power Control for Three-Phase Voltage Source Inverters

Rajesh Khanna Bhuthukuri*, Poonam Upadhyay **
* Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, JNT University, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
** Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, VNRVJIET, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
Periodicity:September - November'2019


This paper presents feedback linearization technique based Direct Power Control (DPC) algorithm for 3-phase Voltage Source Inverter (VSI). In order to make the controller design easy and independent of the operating point, the non-linear model of the VSI is transferred into linear model. The Direct Power Control - Space Vector Modulation (DPC-SVM) technique is adopted and the problem is formulated in DPC framework in which the constant switching frequency is maintained throughout the operation of the Inverter. A robust nonlinear controller for DPC-VSI applying Input-Output linearization (IOL) techniques is also discussed. To cancel the non linearities and to decouple the input control variables, the feedback linearization nonlinear technique is used. Great tracking capability with zero steady-state of the voltage loop has been achieved by zero-dynamic control. Also, there is no derivative calculation required and measurement of load current is not needed. The controller which is proposed in this paper has advantages of fast DC-bus voltage response, robust against parameter uncertainties and decoupled dynamical d-q current loops which provide wide operating range and fast transient responses. The validity of the technique has been verified through experimental setup which is compared with the traditional control. The results analysis shows that the use of feedback linearization control gives excellent transient response both during balanced and unbalanced load and with gird voltage.


Direct Power Control, Feedback linearization, Three-phase Converter, Space-vector Modulation, Input-Output linearization.

How to Cite this Article?

Bhuthukuri, R. K., and Upadhyay, P. (2019). Improved Feedback Linearization Control Scheme based Direct Power Control for Three-Phase Voltage Source Inverters. i-manager's Journal on Circuits and Systems , 7(4), 10-19.


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