The Indian educational system has to meet the challenges of knowledge explosion and its requirement of increased enrolment in higher education. Computer and technology plays a pre-dominant role to meet out its challenges. Recent innovative Educational approach recommends self and sensory oriented instruction. Computer based multimedia is a tool rich enough to enhance the knowledge and skills. In the present scientific and technological age, the conventional teaching methods are not sufficient to arouse interest among the students and do not meet up to the intellectual, psychological and emotional needs of the students. A teacher being a pivot in the process of teaching and learning, knowledge of ICT and skills to use ICT in teaching —learning has gained immense importance for today’s teacher. With the advent and popularisation of internet and worldwide —web (www) the world has become higher cohesive and interconnected in nature. This paper is an attempt to highlight the role of Multimedia technology in teaching learning process.


Enhancement Of Teaching-Learning Process Through Multimedia Technology

R. Charles*
Research Scholar, St. Christopher's College of Education, Vepery, Chennai.
Periodicity:October - December'2011


The Indian educational system has to meet the challenges of knowledge explosion and its requirement of increased enrolment in higher education. Computer and technology plays a pre-dominant role to meet out its challenges. Recent innovative Educational approach recommends self and sensory oriented instruction. Computer based multimedia is a tool rich enough to enhance the knowledge and skills. In the present scientific and technological age, the conventional teaching methods are not sufficient to arouse interest among the students and do not meet up to the intellectual, psychological and emotional needs of the students. A teacher being a pivot in the process of teaching and learning, knowledge of ICT and skills to use ICT in teaching —learning has gained immense importance for today’s teacher. With the advent and popularisation of internet and worldwide —web (www) the world has become higher cohesive and interconnected in nature. This paper is an attempt to highlight the role of Multimedia technology in teaching learning process.


How to Cite this Article?

R. Charles (2011). Enhancement Of Teaching-Learning Process Through Multimedia Technology. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 8(3), 27-33.


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