The Globalization Of Higher Education Through The Lens Of Technology And Accountability

Howard C. Woodard*, Sonya S. Shepherd**, MindyCrain-Dorough***, Michael D. Richardson****
* Professor and Director, Georgia College at Robins Air Force Base Campus, Georgia College & State University, Milledgeville, GA.
** Professor and Associate Department Head, Henderson Library, Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA.
*** Assistant Professor of Educational Research.
**** Professor and Head, Department of Educational Leadership and Technology, both at South Eastern Louisiana University, Hammond, LA.
Periodicity:July - September'2011


Technology has ushered in a new era in higher education making knowledge of technology essential for administrators. Technology is transforming higher education by providing a global interconnectedness that reshapes educational, social, economic and cultural life.

The globalization of networks based on travel, mobile phones, broad-band Internet and other information and communications technologies, are creating change on an unprecedented scale. Similarly, technology enables complex data transfers essential to knowledge-intensive production and distribution.

Globalization forces higher education institutions to examine their participation in the international environment and to assess their involvement in a seemingly transparent world. The potential for technology in global higher education coupled with the mobility of people, information and ideas will expand the influence of technology, globalization and higher education.


How to Cite this Article?

Howard C. Woodard, Sonya S. Shepherd, Mindy Crain-Dorough and Michael D. Richardson (2011). The Globalization Of Higher Education Through The Lens Of Technology And Accountability. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 8(2), 16-24.


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