Lifelong Learning for All in Asian Communities: ICT Based Initiatives

Pradeep Kumar Misra*
Associate Professor, Faculty of Education & Allied Sciences, M.J.P. Rohilkhand University, Bareilly, India.
Periodicity:July - September'2011


The necessity to adjust to the prerequisites of the knowledge based society and economy brought about the need for lifelong learning for all in Asian communities. The concept of lifelong learning stresses that learning and education are related to life as a whole - not just to work - and that learning throughout life is a continuum that should run from cradle to grave. Providing lifelong learning for all in Asian communities having varied geographical, educational, economical, social and cultural settings seems an unparalleled task. Present paper offers possible solution to face this challenge by adopting the approach that ICT is an able mechanism to provide lifelong learning to all in Asian communities. This optimism is based on the argument that exploration and implementation of innovative ways to educate people by using ICT will help them to live productive and creative lives and will also help to uplift educational, economic and developmental standards in Asian communities. Bearing this in mind, an innovative initiative is outlined in this paper to promote lifelong learning in Asian communities. The author discusses in detail about the action plan to implement this initiative and possibilities offered for providing lifelong learning for all to build knowledgeable, productive, competitive and cooperative Asian communities.


Lifelong Learning, ICT, Asian communities

How to Cite this Article?

Pradeep Kumar Misra (2011). Lifelong Learning For All In Asian Communities: ICT Based Initiatives. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 8(2), 1-8.


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