Step Discontinuity Analysis in an Asymmetric Single Mode Thin Planar Slab Taper Optical Waveguide

S. K. Raghuwanshi*, Santosh Kumar**
*-** Department of Electronics Engineering, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad, India.
Periodicity:December - February'2012


We study the thin taper optical waveguide structure by using the step discontinuity model. The technique presented is unique and not being discussed elsewhere. We also study the power loss due to step discontinuity effect for the case of an asymmetric single mode planar slab taper waveguide structure. The only assumption, we consider is that there are no reflection of fields at the step discontinuity point. In this paper we also assume that there are no mode conversions due to discontinuity effect and the structure maintain the single mode operation even at the step discontinuity point. We deliberately considered the thin taper structure to be valid on single mode operation. The technique presented can be easily extended to more complicated waveguide structure like ridge waveguide structure.


Taper optical waveguide, computational electromagnetic, formal electromagnetic concepts

How to Cite this Article?

Sanjeev Kumar Raghuwanshi and Santosh Kumar (2012). Step Discontinuity Analysis In An Asymmetric Single Mode Thin Planar Slab Taper Optical Waveguide. i-manager’s Journal on Electronics Engineering, 2(2), 43-48.


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