Performance analysis of PID and LQG control algorithms for Antenna Position Control system

Nupoor Patil*, Durgesh Behere**
* _**Intelligent Motion Technology Private Limited, Group Intelmac, Ambegaon, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Periodicity:July - September'2019


Ground station antennas find their application in communication with satellites. An antenna communicates with the spacecraft by sending command signals and receiving the data from the spacecraft. Antenna dish rotates with respect to elevation axis and whole antenna structure rotates on circular track which is an azimuth axis (Gawronski, 1998).This paper discusses performance evaluation of two control algorithms on Antenna Control Servo System namely conventional PID algorithm and model based LQG algorithm. Power Pmac controller along with Power Pmac IDE and Pmac Servo Analyzer are used for implementing control algorithms. Results have been tested for single motor single drive position control system with step and ramp inputs .


System Identification, Step test, Ramp test,Antenna Control systems,Power Pmac,Servo Analyser,PID ,LQG.

How to Cite this Article?

Patil, N., & Behere, D. (2019). Performance analysis of PID and LQG control algorithms for Antenna Position Control system. i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering, 13(1), 12-18.


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