3 . Standard cube specimens (150 mm x 150 mm x 150 mm) are used for determining compressive strength. The total number of cubes casted for all combinations are 48. The compressive strength values obtained for various combinations are in the range of 3.7 MPa to 11.11 MPa. A1 combination of aggregate is showing higher rates of strength when compared to other combinations and at 30% of fly-ash replacement have higher strength of the magnitude 11.11 MPa.


A Study on Effect of Grading of Coarse Aggregate on Compressive Strength of Pozzolana Pervious Concrete

V. Vinay*, S. Chandramouli**, S. Adiseshu***, G. Pratyusha****
*,**,**** Department of Civil Engineering, Maharaj Vijayaram Gajapathi Raj College of Engineering (Autonomous), Vizianagram, Andhra Pradesh, India.
*** Department of Civil Engineering, Andhra University College of Engineering (Autonomous), Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:June - August'2019
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jste.8.2.16205


In the present study, an attempt has been made to investigate compressive strength of Pervious Concrete (PC) made with different combinations of aggregate sizes (20 mm, 12.5 mm and 10 mm) and fly-ash (class-F). Four combinations of aggregate namely A1 (50% of 20 mm, 20% of 12.5 mm and 30% of 10 mm); A2 (60% of 20 mm, 20% of 12.5 mm and 20% of 10 mm); A3 (40% of 20mm, 30% of 12.5 mm and 30% of 10 mm) and A4 (20% of 20 mm, 40% of 12.5 mm and 40% of 10 mm) are considered where as fly-ash for replacement of cement by weight is considered as FC1 (10% of flyash); FC2 (20% of fly ash); FC3 (25% fly ash); FC4 (30% fly ash). The basic physical properties of the various ingredients of PC are determined in the laboratory and they are within the limits as per Indian Standard code of practice. The water binder ratio is considered as 0.35. The maximum cement content is considered as 450 kg/m3 . Standard cube specimens (150 mm x 150 mm x 150 mm) are used for determining compressive strength. The total number of cubes casted for all combinations are 48. The compressive strength values obtained for various combinations are in the range of 3.7 MPa to 11.11 MPa. A1 combination of aggregate is showing higher rates of strength when compared to other combinations and at 30% of fly-ash replacement have higher strength of the magnitude 11.11 MPa.


Pervious Concrete, Supplementary Cement Materials, Fly-ash, Permeability, Compressive Strength.

How to Cite this Article?

Vinay. V., Chandramouli, S., Adiseshu, S., & Pratyusha, G. (2019). A Study on Effect of Grading of Coarse Aggregate on Compressive Strengthof Pozzolona Pervious Concrete, i-manager's Journal on Structural Engineering, 8(2), 30-36. https://doi.org/10.26634/jste.8.2.16205


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