Reichert and Raimond (2005 ) suggest that Discovery learning is a highly student-centered and self-directed form of learning. According to Allen (2002), in an example of discovery learning in action, DaimlerChrysler uses guided discovery learning principles for teaching maintenance engineers to troubleshoot automotive electrical systems. Objectives of the study: 1.To diagnose the problems of the learners in learning English Grammar through conventional methods.2.To find out the significant difference in achievement mean score between the pre test of control group and post test of control group.3.To find out the significant difference in achievement mean score between the pre test of Experimental group and post test of Experimental group. 4.To find out the significant difference in achievement mean score between the post test of controlled group and the second post test of treatment given controlled group.5.To find out the impact of Discovery Learning Strategies in learning English Grammar. Methodology: Rotational group Experimental method was adopted in the study. Participants: Sixty students of studying in standard V from Bommanampalayam Middle School were selected as sample for the study. Instrumentation: Researcher’s self-made achievement test was used as instrumentation for the study. Procedure of the study: The following activities were designed 1.Diagnose the problems.2.Designing the Discovery learning.3.Face—to- Face interaction.4.Internet interaction.5.Team interaction.6.Team pair Table and 7.Presentation.  Findings: Discovery Learning Strategies is more effective than traditional methods in learning English Grammar for the learners at standard V. Educational implications: It can be implemented to all other the languages learning.


Discovery Learning Strategies In English

G. Singaravelu*
*Associate Professor, UGC-Academic Staff College, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore.
Periodicity:January - March'2012


The study substantiates that the effectiveness of Discovery Learning method in learning English Grammar for the learners at standard V.  Discovery Learning is particularly beneficial for any student learning a second language. It promotes peer interaction and development of the language and the learning of concepts with content. Reichert and Raimond (2005 ) suggest that Discovery learning is a highly student-centered and self-directed form of learning. According to Allen (2002), in an example of discovery learning in action, DaimlerChrysler uses guided discovery learning principles for teaching maintenance engineers to troubleshoot automotive electrical systems. Objectives of the study: 1.To diagnose the problems of the learners in learning English Grammar through conventional methods.2.To find out the significant difference in achievement mean score between the pre test of control group and post test of control group.3.To find out the significant difference in achievement mean score between the pre test of Experimental group and post test of Experimental group. 4.To find out the significant difference in achievement mean score between the post test of controlled group and the second post test of treatment given controlled group.5.To find out the impact of Discovery Learning Strategies in learning English Grammar. Methodology: Rotational group Experimental method was adopted in the study. Participants: Sixty students of studying in standard V from Bommanampalayam Middle School were selected as sample for the study. Instrumentation: Researcher’s self-made achievement test was used as instrumentation for the study. Procedure of the study: The following activities were designed 1.Diagnose the problems.2.Designing the Discovery learning.3.Face—to- Face interaction.4.Internet interaction.5.Team interaction.6.Team pair Table and 7.Presentation.  Findings: Discovery Learning Strategies is more effective than traditional methods in learning English Grammar for the learners at standard V. Educational implications: It can be implemented to all other the languages learning.


Discover learning, English Language Learners, Second-language, Treatment given controlled group, Internet interaction and Team interaction

How to Cite this Article?

Singaravelu, G. (2012). Discovery Learning Strategies In English. i-manager’s Journal on English Language Teaching, 2(1), 57-62.


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