Analysing Factors Affecting Successful Running of Joint Ventures in India

Smitha Yadav*, Onkar Kadukar**, Vishal Parikh***, Piyush Gehlot ****, Amrit Pal Singh Bindra *****, Bhavya Vayeda ******
*_****** National Institute of Construction Management and Research, Tardeo, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
Periodicity:September - November'2019


To overcome the numerous challenges faced by construction industry of the mounting performance pressure, changing technology, dynamic environment, and demanding clients, it is observed that well planned joint ventures can help to merge and benefit from each other's area of expertise and overcome the weakness. This study examines the current situation of joint ventures in India and finds out the grounds for successful working and the risk associated with them. A questionnaire survey with respondents engaged into site execution and financing was undertaken to scrutinise the rationale of entering into JV, reasons for failure, and ways to avoid disputes.


Joint Ventures, Failures, Success, Disputes, Discriminant Function, Wilk's Lambda.

How to Cite this Article?

Yadav, S., Kadukar, O., Parikh, V., Gehlot , P., Bindra, A. P. S., & Vayeda, B. (2019). Analysing Factors Affecting Successful Running of Joint Ventures in India. i-manager's Journal on Management, 14(2), 12-21.


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