The Integration of ICT in Geography in Selected Kadoma High Schools, Zimbabwe

Daniel Gamira*
Department of Teacher Development, Great Zimbabwe University, Zimbabwe.
Periodicity:June - August'2019


The present study was aimed at investigating the integration of ICT in Geography in two selected schools in Kadoma. The objectives of the study were to assess the exposure of learners to ICT and technological devices, identify the positive contribution of ICT in Geography learning, and to assess the teacher' attitude and competencies in ICT integration in geography education. Questionnaires, interviews, and participant observation research tools were employed to both teachers, administration, and learners in two selected schools. The study revealed that learners at Jameson High school were more exposed to ICT devices than those at Munyaradzi High school. It was identified that ICT integration produces positive outcome when integrated correctly into teaching and learning of Geography as indicated by high pass rate at Jameson High school. The study found that teachers' attitude towards ICT integration in school was generally favourable particularly at Jameson High. The study recommends that ICT should be taken seriously in Geography learning by both teachers and administration; Geography rooms should be equipped with ICT equipment for learning.


ICT, E-learning, Geography, Instructional Media, Integration, Teaching.

How to Cite this Article?

Gamira, D. (2019). The Integration of ICT in Geography in Selected Kadoma High Schools, Zimbabwe. i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, 15(1), 18-29.


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