Personality Adjustment And Job Satisfaction Among The Lecturers Working In Junior Colleges

T.J.M.S. Raju*
Principal, KPN College of Education, Gantyada, Vizianagaram District.
Periodicity:August - October'2011


The present study focused on the relationship between personality adjustment and job satisfaction among junior college Lecturers in Vizianagaram District of Andhra Pradesh, India. The successfulness of any educational program basically depends on the right performance and acceptance of teacher community. This mainly depends on their satisfaction in their profession. The teacher in their present situation is facing various academic and administrative issues. The teachers' personality adjustment is related to various professional, administrative, personal and societal aspects that are involved in the teacher profession. The aspects of teachers' personality adjustment and job satisfaction are conceptually independent and practically interdependent.

The data were collected from the 112 Lecturers working in 11 Junior college in Vizianagaram District by way of two standardized questionnaires namely personality adjustment inventory developed by Sharma (1972) and job satisfaction scale constructed by Rao (1986). The data were analyzed by way of means, standard deviations, critical ratios and Coefficient of correlations. The results were discussed and the conclusions were drawn. On over all observation of the study some educational implications were given.


Personality, Adjustment, Job Satisfaction, Junior Lecturers, Junior Colleges

How to Cite this Article?

T.J.M.S. Raju (2011). Personality Adjustment And Job Satisfaction Among The Lecturers Working In Junior Colleges. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 5(2), 45-49.


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