2O3). Analysis of 2D unsteady state forces and surface roughness in a turning process is carried out by using Marc FEA code. The smallest tool wear had been identified by the Al2O3 coated tool. It covers a study on cutting forces and surface roughness of modeling and numerical in turning of workpiece using coated and uncoated carbide tools by finite element technique.


Investigation of Cutting Forces in Orthogonal Metal Cutting using Al2O3 Coated and Uncoated Tungsten Carbide Tool

0*, C. Vijayabhaskar Reddy**, P. Sreenivasulu***, M. Samraj****
*-**** Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering & Technology (Autonomous), Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:April - June'2020
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jms.8.1.16130


The outcome of machining boundary on cutting forces of C-45 steel workpiece using Aluminum oxide coated and uncoated Tungsten carbide tool is used for experimentation and numerical. The experimentation conveyed for measuring the surface roughness on workpiece had been performed by using a surface roughness tester and resultant forces have been measured using Kistler dynamometer. This study is carried out with L27 orthogonal design to evaluate the effect of machining parameters on the surface roughness and resultant forces with coated tools (TiN and Al2O3). Analysis of 2D unsteady state forces and surface roughness in a turning process is carried out by using Marc FEA code. The smallest tool wear had been identified by the Al2O3 coated tool. It covers a study on cutting forces and surface roughness of modeling and numerical in turning of workpiece using coated and uncoated carbide tools by finite element technique.


Coated Tool, Finite Element Method, Kistler Dynamometer, Surface Roughness, Marc.

How to Cite this Article?

Sivaramakrishnaiah, M., Reddy, C. V., Sreenivasulu, P., and Samraj, M. (2020). Investigation of Cutting Forces in Orthogonal Metal Cutting using Al2O3 Coated and Uncoated Tungsten Carbide Tool. i-manager's Journal on Material Science, 8(1), 1-8. https://doi.org/10.26634/jms.8.1.16130


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