Non Adherence To Study Time Management Strategies Among Noun Students AndImplications For Academic Stress

Fidel Onjefu Okopi*
Directorate of Learner Support services National Open University of Nigeria.
Periodicity:August - October'2011


The study was designed to investigate the NOUN students' non adherence to their time management strategies (TMS) during the course of their studies. The researcher also wanted to find out whether their gender, age, marital and employment statuses have influence on their adherence/non-adherence to the plan or not. The researcher also examined the academic stress implications for not adhering to study time management strategies. Self designed 30 item questionnaire was used for the research. Five null hypotheses were formulated and tested via SPSS platform. Sample of 2,160 students were selected from 18 study centres across six geopolitical zone of Nigeria for the study using simple random stratified sampling techniques (3 study centres per a zone and 120 students per a centre). The findings of this research indicated that there was no significant difference between the NOUN students who did not adhere to their study time management strategies and those who did adhere. Gender, age, marital and employment statuses had significant influence on NOUN students' non-adherence to their study time management strategies. The possible implications of the findings are that majority of NOUN students may be experiencing academic stress and if not properly counselled, would has profound impact on their wellbeing as well as their academic programmes completion rate


Non-Adherence, Adherence, Time, Management, Academic, Stress and Influence

How to Cite this Article?

Fidel O. Okopi (2011). Non Adherence to Study Time Management Strategies among Noun Students And Implications for Academic Stress. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 5(2), 20-31.


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