LabVIEW Based Real Time Monitoring System for Coal Mine Worker

Viswasmayee Priyadarsini*, Abhishek Verma**, Meghna Singh***, Shivani Netam ****, Dipty Chandrakar*****
*-***** Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg, Chhatisgarh, India.
Periodicity:October - December'2018


Coal mining is the process of extraction of coal. For this, the workers have to work in various dangerous conditions in the coal mine. Historically, coal mining has been a dangerous activity and the list of mining accidents is long one. A single, small accident can cause the death of the mine worker/workers. So, it is important to have a warning system. This research work deals with plan and expansion of a LabVIEW and microcontroller based monitoring system. In this project, a device used for continuous monitoring of the worker in coal mines is designed. In previous research work, the focus was on monitoring the environmental conditions of coal mines by using environmental sensors like gas sensor, humidity sensor , etc. But different person respond to the same environmental condition in different way. Therefore, the main focus of this study is to monitor the worker who has to deal with the abnormal conditions of coal mines. The research team used ECG sensor (AD8232) to note the electrical behaviour of heart. The device can monitor the heart rate, analyse the health condition of workers using LabVIEW software. The analysed data can be continuously monitored by the concerned authority in the control room. In case the worker is suffocating (in case of abnormal mining environment) then immediately a web page pop up. Labview continuously compares the sensed value with the predefined critical safety values and then gives the alert indication signal accordingly to the heartbeat rate of the worker.


AD8232, LabVIEW, IoT, Mine Safety, Monitoring.

How to Cite this Article?

Priyadarsini, V., Verma, A., Singh, M., Netam, S., and Chandrakar, D. (2018). LabVIEW Based Real Time Monitoring System for Coal Mine Worker. i-manager’s Journal on Digital Signal Processing, 6(4), 1-6.


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