Divergent Thinking And Creative Ideation Of High School Students

Dr. Shaikh Imran Ramzan*, Shaheen Perveen**
* Associate Professor, Marathwada College of Education, Aurangabad.
** Principal, DSR College of Education, Aurangabad.
Periodicity:August - October'2011
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jpsy.5.2.1609


Divergent thinking is an integral process in creativity. Openness to experience is a personality trait that relates to divergent thinking and, therefore, is hypothesized to be related to creative performance among the students. The effects of openness to experience are likely to be partially mediated by an individual's attitude toward divergent thinking. Schools being miniature of society can chalk out programmes to nourish the Divergent thinking of the students. It is within their reach because it has been found that creativity is more developable than intelligence. Today's student will be the future nation builder therefore it is important to develop Divergent thinking among them. This study presents and tests divergent thinking of individual creativity among the High School students. The methodology selected is the survey method. The sample selected for the study consists of 400 students comprising of boys and girls of English and Marathi medium IX standard students of high schools situated in Aurangabad city.

The result showed that:

  • I. There is significant difference in English medium schools situated in posh and slum localities as far as there divergent thinking is concerned.
  • ii. There is significant difference in Marathi medium schools situated in posh and slum localities as far as there divergent thinking is concerned.
  • iii. There is significant difference between the students of English medium and Marathi medium students as far as there Divergent thinking is concerned.


Divergent Thinking, Creativity, Flexibility

How to Cite this Article?

Shaikh Imran Ramzan and Shaheen Perveen (2011). Divergent Thinking and Creative Ideation Of High School Students. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 5(2), 9-14. https://doi.org/10.26634/jpsy.5.2.1609


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