Silent Zero Communication (RBNSiZeComm) Protocol to Enhance the Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Network: A Comparative Study

Deepak Sopara*, Shailaja Y. Kanawade **, Vikas Soni***
*-** Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Modi Institute of Technology, Naya Gaon, Rawatbhata Road, Kota-324 010 (Rajasthan), INDIA
*** Modi Institute of Technology, Naya Gaon, Rawatbhata Road, Kota-324 010 (Rajasthan), INDIA
Periodicity:January - March'2019


It has already been found in the literature that Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is the emerging and attractive topic of the research all around the world in recent years and have been widely applicable in the various application of engineering. The radios are employed in WSNs with only simple digital modulation techniques such as Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK), On-Off Key (OOK) and Frequency Shift Key (FSK). The lifetime of WSNs is more important factor, therefore, energy efficient communication protocol is required in order to enhance the life of WSNs. Considering this fact in the mind, in this paper, a communication protocol called as RBNSiZeComm (Redundant Binary Number Silent through Zero digit Communication) protocol has been implemented. RBNSiZeComm is basically based on a non-coherent detection and uses Redundant Binary Number (RBN) representation coupled with silent periods for communicating the digit zero. The presented communication technique (RBNSiZeComm) has been compared with some communication schemes available in the literature. RBNSiZeComm proves itself as a high energy efficient technique for data transmission. A hybrid modulation scheme using FSK and ASK with non-coherent detection based receiver has been used for this protocol. This protocol is very beneficial for the applications involving low power wireless networks for 58% to 95 % energy saving.


Energy efficient communication, redundant binary number system, silent symbol communication, lifetime of wireless sensor networks.

How to Cite this Article?

Sopara, D., Kanawade, S., Y., & Soni, V. (2019). Silent Zero Communication (RBNSiZeComm) Protocol to Enhance the Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Network: A Comparative Study. i-manager’s Journal on Wireless Communication Networks , 7(4), 27-34.


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