Behavioural Development Of Early Adolescents By Dint Of Positive School Climate

Jayalekshmi N.B*, B. William Dharma Raja**
* Ph.D Scholar, Department of education, Manomaniam Sundaranar University, Abishekapatti, Tirunelveli.
** Assisstant Professor in Department of Education , Manomaniam Sundaranar University, Abishekapatti, Tirunelveli.
Periodicity:August - October'2011


Early adolescence is the period where the transition from child to adult takes place gradually. A major physical and cognitive change during this period is accompanied by social and emotional development. The growth spurt in this period makes them stronger and plays an important role in developing self identities. The journey through this crucial period becomes easier when the entire school community is concerned with adolescents' lives. School climate has a deep and marked impact on the behaviour development of early adolescents. Positive school climate can be viewed as foundation of safety, pride, respect, trust and motivation on which a school can build the structure of real success. Creating a positive school climate takes the work and commitment of the entire school community. Physical, social and academic dimension of school climate influence early adolescent behaviour to a great extent. A suitable positive learning environment fosters youth for a productive, contributive and satisfying life in a democratic society. Researches show that school climate influences adolescent behavioural and emotional problems. Behavioural problems can be externalizing and observable such as aggression, bullying and fighting; and internalizing problems like anxiety, withdrawal and loneliness. Safe, caring, supportive, participatory and responsive school climate tends to promote greater attachment to school as well as provide optimal foundation for social and emotional development. When every school aims at creating such a congenial climate, its impact in early adolescents will manifest in their better learning and responsible behaviour which finally makes them accomplished human beings.


Positive School Climate, Early Adolescence, Behavioral Disorders

How to Cite this Article?

Jayalekshmi. N.B and B. William Dharma Raja (2011). Behavioural Development Of Early Adolescents By Dint Of Positive School Climate. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 5(2), 1-8.


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