Mitigation of Torsional Oscillations via Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Based Chopper Rectifier Controlled Braking Resistor

Mohamed Fayez Ahmed*, M. Mandor**, M. El-Hadidy***, F. Bendary****
* Cairo Electricity Production Company (CEPC), Cairo, Egypt.
**,**** Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering Shoubra, Benha University, Cairo, Egypt.
*** Egyptian Electricity Holding Company (EEHC), Cairo, Egypt.
Periodicity:November - January'2019


Autoreclosrure is an indispensable protection scheme firstly designed for enhancing the power system stability especially in countries with high isokeraunic levels. Its unsuccessful operation would much more likely cause dire consequences on the thermal power plants in the vicinity. Therefore, almost all major utility-scale turbine-generator suppliers have been expressing concern about performing autoreclosing activities near the generator bus. A resistor brake interfaced to the grid through power electronic devices is a special FACTS controller. A more recent resistor model, namely Chopper Rectifier Controlled Braking Resistor controlled via Interval Type-2 fuzzy logic controller is proposed in this work for mitigation of torsional oscillations resulting from unsuccessful reclosure. Local control input signal synthesized from the generator shaft speed is employed in this work for the proposed controller. For testing the effectiveness of the proposed scheme, non-linear time-domain simulation study is performed on the Western System Coordinated Council, 3-machine 9-bus system via MATLAB/Simulink-based modelling and simulation platform. Comparative simulation studies of the test system after being subjected to unsuccessful reclosure of three-phase to ground fault condition should demonstrate the effectiveness of proposed scheme. From the time domain simulation results, the torsional torque profiles for both machines reach an excellent level due to the implementation of the proposed scheme.


Shaft Torsional Oscillations, Unsuccessful Reclosure, Chopper Rectifier Controlled Braking Resistor, MATLAB/Simulink, Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Controller

How to Cite this Article?

Fayez, M., Mandor, M., El-Hadidy, M., and Bendary, F. M. (2019). Mitigation of Torsional Oscillations via Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Based Chopper Rectifier Controlled Braking Resistor. i-manager’s Journal on Power Systems Engineering, 6(4), 11-21.


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