Modern Technique in Agricultural Sector using IoT Sensors

Arpitha G. M.*, Brunda G. R.**, Chandana T. S***, Swati Acharya****, B. M. Sagar*****
*-***** Department of Information Science and Engineering, R .V College of Engineering, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
Periodicity:September - November'2021


Today, farmers face the problem of using old technology for farming. Some of the problems are, their crop affected by rodents or intruders, improper water management, growing of crops which do not have a good market price and no proper facility of knowing the market price of a crop etc. This work proposes a way to overcome the problems, the farmer face every day by implementing modern technologies using the Internet of Things (IoT). An Android application (app) designed to help farmers grow crops suitable for their land. The Application (app) contains four functions such as preproduction, post-production, blog and crop detail. Some IoT sensors are used to provide information about the field, and Short Message Service (SMS) will use the Global System for Mobile (GSM) to send information about the condition of the field to registered farmers.


IoT, Android app, Sensors.

How to Cite this Article?

Arpitha, G. M., Brunda, G. R., Chandana, T. S., Acharya, S., and Sagar, B. M. (2021). Modern Technique in Agricultural Sector using IoT Sensors. i-manager’s Journal on Information Technology, 10(4), 25-30.


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