Adjustment Behaviour and its Dimensions of Adolescent Students with Visual Impairment in Relation to their Personality Traits in Tamilnadu

C. Shankar*
K. R. P. College of Education, Namakkal, Tamil Nadu, India.
Periodicity:November - January'2020


The student in adolescent stage faces many problems, and it is more complicated for the students with visual impairment. They need somebody to solve problems in order to avoid tensions and conflicts. Adjustment and personality traits are two important attributes that shape the students into the proper human being. Therefore, this a study aims to investigate the adjustment behaviour and its dimensions of visually impared adolescent students in relation to personality traits. A normative methodology and survey technique has been adopted to a sample of fifty visually impaired students randomly selected from six schools in Namakkal, Salem, Erode, Thiruvannamalai, and Cuddalore districts of Tamil Nadu. The descriptive analysis shows that the level of adjustment behaviour and its dimensions and personality traits were averaged for the whole sample. The differential analysis showed that independent variables onset of blindness, achievement, and birth order did not have a significant influence on the adjustment behaviour. Onset of blindness and achievement has no significant influence, while birth order has a significant influence on the personality traits. The correlation analysis shows that adjustment behaviour has a positive significant relationship with personality traits whereas adjustment dimensions have no significant relationship with respect to personality traits. The stepwise multiple regression analysis shows that birth order is the best predictor that has significiant on the influence adjustment behavior. Therefore, the average adjustment behaviour and personality traits of adolescent students with visual impairment need guidance and counseling that is very mandatory to provide a moral support for them to excel in their life.


Adolescent, Adjustment Behaviour, Personality Traits and Visual Impairment.

How to Cite this Article?

Shankar, C. (2020). Adjustment Behaviour and its Dimensions of Adolescent Students with Visual Impairment In Relation To Their Personality Traits in Tamilnadu. i-manager's Journal on Educational Psychology, 13(3), 9-18.


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