Multithreading in Game Development

Sainath Prasanna*, Shraddhaa Mohan**, Vallidevi Krishnamurthy ***
*_*** Department of Computer Science, SSN College of Engineering, Kalavakkam, Chennai, India.
Periodicity:April - June'2019


In this paper, the use and importance of multithreading is discussed using the example of a basic game development in the java environment. This paper talks about how the concept of multithreading allows programmers to write simpler, more easily understandable code when it comes to making games or any other application that can be viewed as, being broken down into several independent tasks. In this paper, the difference in approaching a problem say game development in two ways - a single threaded model and a multithreaded model has been elucidated. With the experimentation, it has been concluded that in terms of performance and ease of development, multithreaded programming is better in all means.


Basic Game Development, Java, Multithreading, Threads.

How to Cite this Article?

Prasanna, S., Mohan, S., Krishnamurthy, V. (2019). Multithreading in Game Development. i-manager's Journal on Software Engineering, 13(4), 34-42.


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