The Role of Parental Involvement Impact on Career Decisions Making among Senior Secondary School Student in Selected Province of Bhutan

Sangay Jamba*
Education Management and Administration, Lower Secondary School, Royal Government of Bhutan.
Periodicity:March - May'2019


The present research was carried out to forecast the protagonist of parental involvement in the Career Decision making among students of Senior Secondary School. This study was basically descriptive method used to acquire important and accurate information. The main objectives were to analyze the inter-relationship between career decision making and perceived parental involvement of senior secondary school of Bhutan. And another objective was to study the role of perceived parental involvement on the relationship between career decisions making among students of senior secondary school. The investigator selected 300 senior secondary school students through convenient sampling technique. For the collection of data the investigator used Career Decision making scale, developed by Dr. Kirandeep Singh in 2014 and Parental Involvement tool developed by Dr. Vijayalaxmin Chouhan and Mrs. Gunjan Ganotra Arora in 2009. For the purpose of drawing out the results the investigator used statistical techniques like Coefficient of Correlation and Regression Analysis were used. The outcome showed that a significant negative relationship exists between Career Decision Making and Parental Involvement of senior secondary school students of Bhutan. Also, parental involvement plays a significant predictor role in the career decision making of school students.


Career Decision, Role of Parental Involvement, Inter-relationship, Investigator

How to Cite this Article?

Jamba, S. (2019). The Role of Parental Involvement Impact on Career Decisions Making among Senior Secondary School Student in Selected Province of Bhutan. i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, 14(4), 49-55.


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