The Relationship between First Year English Major Students' Language Learning Strategy Use and Learner Autonomy

Nam Thanh Ta*, Phuong Uyen Ngo**, Tran Bao Thi Le***
*-*** Can Tho University of Technology, Can Tho, Vietnam.
Periodicity:October - December'2019


The present study investigated learner autonomy level and the use of language learning strategies in a sample of 163 firstyear English majors in university. The aim of the study was to find out the correlation between language learning strategies and autonomous learning. The data collection instruments included a self-rating questionnaire and an open-ended interview. Results indicated the participants were moderately autonomous learners and their overall frequency of strategy use was medium with the most frequent use of memory and social strategies and the least of compensation and Affective strategies. Pearson correlation indicated that there was a positive correlation between learner autonomy and overall language learning strategy as well as across the six strategy categories. Understanding the relationship between learners' strategy use and autonomy may enable EFL instructors to incorporate language learning strategy training in teaching to ultimately improve learners' English language skills.


Language Learning Strategy, Learner Autonomy, Relationship.

How to Cite this Article?

Ta, N. T., Ngo, P. U., and Le, T. B. T. (2019). The Relationship between First Year English Major Students' Language Learning Strategy Use and Learner Autonomy. i-manager’s Journal on English Language Teaching, 9(4), 41-49.


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