Comparison of Properties of Tin Oxide Thin Films Prepared from Different Tin Precursors

K. V. Murali*, T. L. Remadevi**
* Department of Physics, Nehru Arts and Science College, Kanhangad, Kerala, India.
Department of Physics, Pazhassi Raja N.S.S. College, Mattannur, Kerala, India.
Periodicity:April - June'2020


Polycrystalline nanostructured SnO thin films were synthesized using two precursors of tin at 353 K on glass substrates by 2 successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR) technique. The annealing effect of the films has been investigated. Off-white colored porous films exhibited a different morphology with grain sizes in 4-8 nm range. The effect of crystallite-size and strain induced broadening of the XRD profile films have been studied using Williamson and Hall technique (W-H plot). Lattice parameters such as c/a ratio, cell volume, texture coefficient, microstrain and dislocation density were determined. Films show more than 55% transmittance and <20% reflectance in the entire Vis-NIR regions. Band gap of the as-grown films were blue-shifted. Refractive index, extinction coefficient and the porosity were deducted from the optical data. The electrical resistivity of the film lies in the range of 101-103 cm. Annealing enhanced the characteristic properties of the films except the reduction in the optical band gap.


Annealing, Dislocation Density, Lattice Parameters, Refractive Index, Electrical Resistivity.

How to Cite this Article?

Murali, K. V., and Remadevi, T. L. (2020). Comparison of Properties of Tin Oxide Thin Films Prepared from Different Tin Precursors. i-manager's Journal on Material Science, 8(1), 26-38.


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