Robot Control using Hand Gesture

Udigala Basavaraju Mahadevaswamy *, Anusha H. N**
*-** Department of Electronics and Communication, JSSS & TU, Mysuru, India.
Periodicity:March - May'2019


Hand controllers and electromechanical devices have been used by humans to control robots or machines but there were some constraints in several factors of interaction. Pattern recognition and Gesture recognition are the growing fields of analysis. Hand gesture recognition is very significant for human-computer interaction (HCI). In this work, we present a completely unique real-time methodology for robot control using hand gesture recognition. It is necessary for the user to communicate and control a device in the natural efficient way in human-robot interaction based. The implementation is done using Kinect sensor and Matlab environment. The robot arm is controlled by Firebird V robot. We have implemented a prototype using gesture as a tool for communication with ma-chine command signals are generated using gesture control algorithm. These generated signals are then given to the robot to perform a set of task. This Kinect sensor recognizes the hand gestures and then assigns functions to be performed by the robot for each hand gesture.


Hand Gesture Recognition, HOG, SVM, Matlab, Kinect Sensor, Firebird V Robot.

How to Cite this Article?

Mahadevaswamy , U., B., Anusha, H., N. (2019). Overview Robot Control Using Hand Gesture.i-manager’s Journal on Pattern Recognition, 6(1), 11-26.


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