Internet of Things (IoT) Based Home Automation: A Review

Nidhi Singh*, Ankita Sharma **, Anurag Dwivedi ***, Nitesh Tiwari ****
*-**** Department of Electrical Engineering, KIPM College of Engineering & Technology, Gorakhpur Industrial Development Authority, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:October - December'2018


The recent decade has experienced revolution of smart technology with the introduction of smartphones and electronic equipments in day to day life as an important part of life. IoT (Internet of Things) can be defined as human connecting object like sensors, internet TVs, smartphones and actuators with the internet where electronic devices are linked together intelligently enabling new shell of communication between people and electronic devices, and between devices themselves. IoT is presented with the overview to begin the idea of a smart home with its security and the necessity of software and hardware components for making a smart home.


IoT Methodology, IC ATMEGA 328, Monitoring, IC ATMEGA 8.

How to Cite this Article?

Singh, N., Sharma, A., Dwivedi, A., and Tiwari, N. (2018). Internet of Things (IoT) Based Home Automation: A Review. i-manager’s Journal on Digital Signal Processing, 6(4), 34-41.


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