The Efficient Highway Management System: Illuminating Roads of Future

Venu Gopal Reddipalli*, Anurag Korrm **, Aditya Vikram Shivhare ***, Vikas Dewangan ****, Aman Soni *****, Alka Mishra ******
*-****** Department of Electrical and Electronics, Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg, Chhattisgarh, India.
Periodicity:October - December'2018


The Efficient highway system here refers to upgraded version of the current Highway Management System. This paper presents a smart system model which is self-dependent, self-sustainable and can operate without any human intervention. The presented system is combination of four sub-systems. The aim of the first subsystem is to detect and compare the traffic density at traffic squares to maintain the continuous and smooth flow of traffic which solves the problem of current scenario due to predefined timer system. The second subsystem uses IR sensors and a night detector to manipulate street light when not required hence reduces the wastage of energy. Both above subsystems are controlled with the single Microcontroller. The third subsystem which contains charging points installing underneath the roads such that they can be charged wirelessly any time which overcome the drawback of electric vehicle to travel long time. The aim of fourth subsystem is to generate clean and green energy using speed bumps as a concept of Road Power Generation and solar panels which makes the system self-sustainability.


Traffic Management System, Charging, Traffic, Efficient, Generation.

How to Cite this Article?

Reddipalli, V. G., Korrm , A., Shivhare, A. V., Dewangan, V., Soni, A., and Mishra, A. (2018). The Efficient Highway Management System: Illuminating Roads of Future. i-manager’s Journal on Digital Signal Processing, 6(4), 7-13.


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