Brightness Enhancement Technique for Video Frame Improvement Based on Pixel Intensity Analysis

H. A. Abdulkareem *, A. M. S. Tekanyi**, I. Yau***, K. A. Abu- Bilal****, H. Adamu*****
*-*****Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria.
Periodicity:October - December'2018


This study developed a brightness enhancement technique for video frame pixel intensity improvement. Frames extracted from the six sample video data used in this work were stored in the buffer as images. Noise was added to the extracted image frames to vary the intensity of their pixels so that these pixel values of noisy images differ from their true values in order to determine the efficiency of the developed technique. Simulation results of this paper showed improvement in pixel intensity and histogram distribution. The Peak to Signal plus Noise Ratio evaluation showed that the efficiency of the developed technique for both grayscale and coloured video frames were improved by PSNR of 12.45%, 16.32%, 27.57%, and 19.83% over those of the grey level colour (black and white) images for the NAELS1.avi, NAELS2.avi, NTA1.avi, and NTA2.avi, respectively. Also, a percentage improvement of 28.93% and 31.68% were obtained for the coloured images over the grey level images for Akiyo.avi and Forman.avi benchmark video frames, respectively.


Video Frames, Enhancement Filter, Pixel Intensity, Histogram Distribution, Pre-Processing, PSNR.

How to Cite this Article?

Abdulkareem, H. A., Tekanyi, A. M. S., Yau, I., Abu-Bilal, K. A.,& Adamu, H.(2018). Brightness Enhancement Technique For Video Frame Improvement Based On Pixel Intensity Analysis. i-manager's Journal on Image Processing, 5(4), 1-8.


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