Student Data Integration and Consolidation System

Nishith Khandor*, Dhruv Mehta**, Zirak Mistry***, Ayush Mittal****, Sagar Korde*****
*-***** K.J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
Periodicity:April - June'2019


With the advent of Information Technology in today’s time, there is no dearth of increasing requirements for storing and retrieving data. As the data produced per year increases at an explosive rate, storing this data and representing it in a well-structured format and in a timely manner is one of the biggest issues today for the organizations and institutions. This paper proposes an approach to manage and access large amounts of distributed unstructured data of an organization in an efficient manner. Hence, a web-application has been designed to efficiently access and manage the data and to save precious time spent in accessing the distributed data. This system also makes an attempt to solve the problem of data availability and data accessibility, both of which are very important from an organization’s point of view that works with data on a day-to-day basis. Data security for organizations is very important and hence the system also incorporates a security feature with the help of the SSL technology which will ensure that data transfer remains private and integral over the internet during the client and server communication. Also the paper proposes the methodology which describes the basic features provided by the web-application along with a set of special features that can help reduce effort and provide useful analysis and data visualization based on the data of the organization.


Unstructured Data, Nosql, Python, Distributed, Excel, Upload, Mongo Db.

How to Cite this Article?

Khandor, N., Dhruv, M., Mistry, Z., Mittal, A., & Korde, S. (2019). Student Data Integration and Consolidation System. i-manager's Journal on Software Engineering, 13(4), 24-33.


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