Performance Analysis of Copy-Move Forgery Detection Techniques

Gulivindala Suresh *, Chanamallu Srinivasa Rao **
*_**Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, JNTUK University College of Engineering, Kakinada, Andhra pradesh, India.
Periodicity:January - March'2019


Copy Move Forgery (CMF) is a manipulation process, where a part of the image is copied and moved to another region in the same image. The advanced growth in technology and photo-editing software lead to the malicious manipulation of images. Distribution of such tampered images through high speed digital networks and social media is also increased, which leads to the incredibility of the images and the underlying information. Hence, it is much demanded to develop, evaluate, and propose CMF detection techniques. CMF detection can be achieved either by keypoint approach or block-based approach. In this paper, performance of block-based and keypoint based CMF detection and localization techniques are analyzed.


Copy Move Forgery, Block-Based, Keypoint Based, Forgery Detection.

How to Cite this Article?

Suresh, G., & Rao, C. S. (2019). Performance Analysis of Copy-Move Forgery Detection Techniques. i-manager's Journal on Image Processing, 6(1), 38-43.


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