Implementation Of Genetic Algorithm For Optimal Multistage Electrical Distribution System Planning

Ravi Babu Pallikonda*, K. Anish Kumar**, G. Charan Teja***
* Professor, EEE Department, CVR College of Engineering, Hyderabad, India.
** Student, EEE Department, ACE Engineering College, Hyderabad, India.
*** Student, EEE Department, ACE Engineering College, Hyderabad, India.
Periodicity:October - December'2011


This paper describes a genetic algorithm approach to the optimal multistage planning of distribution networks. The authors describe a mathematical model and algorithm that they have developed and experimented with success. This paper also reveals the results of the proposed methodology on 50 bus test system.


Genetic Algorithm, Electrical Distribution System Planning, Reliability, Radiallity, Optimal, Substation, Distribution Planning Problem

How to Cite this Article?

P. Ravi Babu, K. Anish Kumar and G. Charan Teja (2011). Implementation Of Genetic Algorithm For Optimal Multistage Electrical Distribution System Planning. i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering, 5(2), 60-67.


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