Minimization of Torque Ripple By SVM In Direct Torque Control Of PMSM Drives

Sudhakar Ambarapu*, Vijaya Kumar**
* Lecturer, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, S K University College of Engineering and Technology, Anantapur, India.
**Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, JNT University, Hydrabad, India.
Periodicity:October - December'2011


An improved DTC scheme based on space vector modulation (SVM) for Permanent Magnet SynchronousMachine(PMSM) drives. The new scheme provides a alternative option for the improvement of DTC controlled PMSM in reducing the torque ripple. Closed-loop control of both torque and flux is developed with proportional Integral controllers. The stator voltage vector is generated through Space Vector Modulation unit. The torque and flux ripples are greatly reduced with space vector modulation technique comparing with classical switching-table based DTC scheme. The analysis of the control principle provides a guide to design the controller parameters. Modeling results present the features effectiveness of the proposed scheme.


Direct Torque Control(DTC), Space Vector Modulation(SVM), Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM)

How to Cite this Article?

A. Sudhakar and M. Vijaya Kumar (2011). Minimization of Torque Ripple by SVM in Direct Torque Control of PMSM Drives . i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering, 5(2), 55-59.


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