Real-Time Designing And Modeling Of Online Monitoring Of Energy Consumption Using GPRS System

P. Sujatha*, P. Ram Kishore Kumar Reddy**, Vijaya Kumar***
* Associate Professor, Department of EEE , JNTUA CEA.
** Associate Professor, Department of EEE, MGIT, Hyderabad.
*** Professor, Department of EEE, JNTUA CEA.
Periodicity:October - December'2011


With the development of technology, electrical automation is coming up as an optimal solution for monitoring and auditing of power consumptions. In conventional approach of power monitoring, manual readings and monitoring for the forecasting of load dispatching and consumption were made. In such an approach the error of processing is quite large. In this paper, automation of monitoring and load consumption using wireless GPRS based communication system is proposed. The designing and modeling of measuring and monitoring unit is also proposed. The developed system is tested for its feasibility over a real time distribution system and the results were evaluated.


Real time Monitoring, GPRS System, Energy Monitoring, Rural Consumption, Hardware System.

How to Cite this Article?

P. Sujatha, P. Ram Kishore Kumar Reddy and M. Vijaya Kumar (2011). Real-Time Designing And Modeling Of Online Monitoring Of Energy Consumption Using GPRS System. i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering, 5(2), 49-54.


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