Professional Development of a Teacher for an Effective Teaching–Learning in School Education: A View

Subhashini Bada*, R. Siva Prasadh**
* Department of Education, Andhra University, Andhra Pradesh, India.
** Institute of Advanced Studies in Education, Andhra University, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:May - July'2019


Effective school education is very important to achieve the strategic goals set by any government. Education is fundamental in shaping a child’s future. Providing better education ensures good health, better income and made life happier. In this digital era, the expectations from every individual are changing very rapidly and hence teachers and school administrators should update their skills and knowledge. The experience gained in the pre-service teacher education is not enough for an effective teaching-learning process, as the teacher is a continuous learner they need to engage in in-service teacher education programs. Like many other professions, teaching is also a profession. The teaching profession plays a crucial role in the social transformation and economic development of the country. The teacher involvement is very much essential in every aspect of the teaching-learning process such a curriculum design, planning of learning experiences, proper execution of the learning experiences, and evaluation. The professional development of a teacher is vital due to the aforementioned reasons. This paper highlights the need for the professional development of a teacher for effective teaching-learning, the scope of professional development programs and presented in a lucid manner.


Professional Development, School Education, Teaching-learning.

How to Cite this Article?

Bada, S., and Prasadh, R. S. (2019). Professional Development of a Teacher for an Effective Teaching–Learning in School Education: A View. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 13(1), 7-13.


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