A Comparative Analysis Of Pulse Width Modulation Techniques For Voltage Source Inverter Fed Induction Motor Drive

R. Rajendran*, N. Devarajan**
* Assistant Professor, Department of IT, Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore.
** Professor, Department of EEE, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore.
Periodicity:October - December'2011
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jee.5.2.1584


Adjustable speed drive system requires variable voltage and frequency supply which is invariably obtained form a threephase voltage source inverter. A number of pulse width modulation schemes are used to obtain variable voltage and frequency supply form an inverter. The most widely used PWM schemes for a three phase VSI are carrier based sinusoidal PWM (SPWM) and space vector PWM (SVPWM). There is an increasing trend of using space vector PWM because of their easier digital realization and better dc bus utilization. The MATLAB/SIMULINK simulation results show the superiority of the SVPWM compared to SPWM for an adjustable induction motor drive.


Adjustable Induction Motor Drive, SPWM, SVPWM, MATLAB/SIMULINK

How to Cite this Article?

R. Rajendran and N. Devarajan (2011). A Comparative Analysis Of Pulse Width Modulation Techniques for Voltage Source Inverter Fed Induction Motor Drive. i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering, 5(2), 34-41. https://doi.org/10.26634/jee.5.2.1584


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