Strength, Flow and Abrasion Characteristics of Cement Mortar Produced from Copper Slag

Nataraja M. C.*, Rajeeth T. J.**
* Department of Civil Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davanagere, India.
** Department of Civil Engineering, Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering, Mysore, India.
Periodicity:March - May'2019


Across the globe river sand have been traditionally used for the production of cement mortar and concrete. The environmental limits to the utilization of sand from river beds have resulted in search for unconventional materials. Manufactured sand and industrial by-products then appear as an attractive substitute to river sand. Copper slag is an industrial by-product used as a substitute to river sand which is also recommended by IS 383: 2016. In the present work a mortar mix of 1:3 proportions is prepared with the replacement of river sand by copper slag at various proportions. The importance of its heavy specific gravity is also addressed. The microscopic and surface features of copper slag revealed its crystalline structure. The flow, strength, durability, and abrasion resistance characteristics of mortar at various water cement ratios are also studied and discussed. From the results, it can be determined that the use of copper slag as fine aggregate in cement mortar is appropriate and technically feasible.


Manufactured Sand, River Sand, Copper Slag, Abrasion Resistance

How to Cite this Article?

Nataraja, M. C., & Rajeeth, T. J. (2019). Strength, Flow and Abrasion Characteristics of Cement Mortar Produced from Copper Slag, i-manager's Journal on Structural Engineering, 8(1), 1-7.


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