Cross Layer Optimization with QoS for Heterogenous ad-hoc Network

Anita Sethi*, Sandip Vijay **, Rakesh Kumar ***
*-*** Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, ICFAI University
Periodicity:January - March'2019


In this paper, different heuristics for cross-layer optimization for heterogeneous ad-hoc network are reviewed and analyzed. Up to a large extent safety issues and traffic congestion in daily life can be resolved by integrating information and communication methodology into transportation infrastructure and vehicles. High mobility, congestion scalability, dynamic behavior and self-organization makes it stiff to deployment in real time scenario. Performance of the different routing protocols in different scenarios are observed using different simulation tools by different authors in literature. It has been observed from the study that transmission range, obstacles, speed, scalability and road condition influence the performance of different protocols. Quality of Service metrics parameters like speed and mobility of node influence the performance of network. For enhancement of the network performance in real time scenario latest communication technology and infrastructure plays an important role. Packet delivery ratio, goodput and throughput of heterogeneous ad hoc network can be improved by using optimized link prediction heuristic observed by simulation.


QoS, Throughput, Jitter, PDR, Delay, Link Stability, Cross Layer Design.

How to Cite this Article?

Sethi, A., Vijay, S., & Kumar, R. (2019). Cross Layer Optimization With Qos for Heterogenous Ad-Hoc Network. i-manager’s Journal on Wireless Communication Networks, 7(4), 1-10.


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