Alzheimer’s Stage Classification using SVM Classifier using Brain MRI Texture Features

Shaik Basheera*, M. Satya Sai Ram**
* Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Acharya Nagarjuna University College of Engineering, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, India.
**Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, RVR & JC College of Engineering, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:January - March'2019


This paper deals with the Brain disorder caused due to dementia, where the brain size gets effected and reduces its volume. Estimating the grade of Alzheimer's is a challenging task. Spatial texture information collected from T2 Weighted MRI images are used to perform classification and validation. The authors use 54 Brain MRI Slices, Gray Level Cooccurrence matrix is used to extract the attributes, and those are used to train the classifiers. On comparing Support Vector Machine (SVM) with Naïve Bayes classifier and KNN, SVM gives good classification accuracy of 98.1%. The classifiers classify the MRI into AD, MCI, and CN. Five independent images are collected from the Internet sources, by testing those images using SVM and correlating with clinical data of those images, it achieves 100% accuracy.


Support Vector Machines, Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix, Alzheimer's, Dementia, Naïve Bayes Classifier, KNN.

How to Cite this Article?

Basheera, S., & Ram, M. S. S. (2019). Alzheimer’s Stage Classification using SVM Classifier using Brain MRI Texture Features. i-manager's Journal on Image Processing, 6(1), 9-16.


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