Smart Irrigation Integrated With IoT

V. R. Dharunkarthi *, R. Praveen **, S. Srikailainath ***, E. Karthick Raja ****, S. Gayathri*****
*-**** Final Year, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, AVS Engineering College, Ammapet, Salem, India.
***** Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, AVS Engineering College, Ammapet, Salem, India.
Periodicity:January - March'2019


Water is the evidence for all the living organisms on Earth. The scarcity of water is one of the main problems faced by the world nowadays. Agriculture remains the sector which contributes the highest to India's GD. The objective or aim of this work is to regulate water use in irrigating processes and also to improve the quality of the crop in agriculture. Environmental Monitoring Systems with Sensors systems have dramatically improved to peak over the years. This work may become a huge rated product while the importance of water regulation is understood. The purpose of this paper is to present a project called “Smart Irrigation Integrated with IoT” which is capable of monitoring agricultural conditions in a pre-programmed manner. This sensor system will monitor the relevant environmental data like soil moisture, in terms of percentage. The data from, the sensors will be used for the control either automatic or manual control as well as upgrading the irrigation system. This model utilizes the real run-time data from the moisture sensor to minimize the use of water in the agricultural fields. Simultaneously all the sensor values will be updated in the IoT through the GSM module in the kit, this helps us to track the system which we have designed through Android interface and this process also helps to improve the agricultural productions. The farmer analyses the sensor data in the server about the field condition anytime, anywhere and controls the flow of water hence by reducing the manpower and time.


Moisture Sensor, RS232, GPRS, Arduino.

How to Cite this Article?

Dharunkarthi , V., R., Praveen , R., Srikailainath, S., Raja, E., K., & Gayathri, S. (2019). Smart Irrigation Integrated With IoT i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering, 12(3), 21-27.


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