Synchronization and Integration of Engines for Rail Application

Namrata Vijay Narwade*, Rajani P. K.**, Meghana Pathak***
*, **Department of ETC (M.E), Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering, Pune, India.
*** Department of Electronics Controls, Cummins India Limited, Pune, India.
Periodicity:November - January'2019


Railways in this modern era, offer important contribution for building a nation by exchange of modern and progressive ideas which perpetuates social resonance and economic productivity. Rail applications adapt technological advancements to improve railway network “Engine” plays the important part and plays the important unit of the system. The engine can be differentiated on the basis of the fuel system and its combustion. Cummins India Limited provides the engines for various applications like railway, defense, marine, pump, etc. This paper is basically for rail application which describes the new concept for rail engine introduced for Parel Central railway. This paper proposes to integrate the engines for railway application by controlling the mechanical engine with the electronic controller. This will provide automated control to the mechanical system. The integration of engines to railway basically providing the safety features to engines, the protection to the engine as well as controlling two engines with the electronic controller. Hence, the modified architecture system for rail engine which will interface both the engines so that it will work properly and covering all safety features and sensor data for a smooth functioning of rail engine. The synchronization of two engines for same train to work simultaneously where also proposed using the GAC electronics governor controller.


Integration of Engines, Multiunit Throttle Control, GAC Governor Controller, Throttle Control, Selector Switch.

How to Cite this Article?

Narwade, N. V., Rajani, P. K., & Pathak, M. (2019). Synchronization and Integration of Engines for Rail Application. i-manager's Journal on Instrumentation and Control Engineering, 7(1), 33-40.


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