age = 12.44 years, SD = 1.08), participated voluntarily. A total of four schools, two are in a village (45.5%, n= 211) and two are in a center (50.4%, n= 215), were selected from Niğde province in the middle of the Turkey by convenience sampling. Among the respondents, 48.8% were female (n = 208) and 51.2% were male (n = 218). The data were collected with "Bourdon Attention Test (Letter Form)-BAT" and "Computer Game Addiction Test ". As a result of the study, males' computer game addiction score was higher than females and females' attention score was higher than males. Increased computer game addiction was related to inattention. While there was no significant correlation between computer game addiction and school type, attention score was significantly different. Besides, there was low positive correlation between age and attention while there was no statistically significant correlation between age and computer game addiction.


Examination of Computer Game Addiction and Attention in Turkish Secondary School Students

Emre Ozan Tingaz *, Meryem Altun**, Seyda Nur Vural***
* Department of Physical Education and Sport Teaching, Sport Sciences Faculty, Gazi University, Ankara and Department of Psychology, Institute of Social Sciences, Cag University, Mersin, Turkey.
** School of Physical Education and Sports, Nigde Omer Halisdemir University, Turkey.
*** Department of Physical Education and Sports, Institute of Educational Sciences, Nigde Omer Halisdemir University, Turkey.
Periodicity:May - July'2019


The objective of the present study was to examine computer game addiction and attention in Turkish secondary school students. Four hundred twenty six (n=426) secondary school students aged 11 to 14 (Mage = 12.44 years, SD = 1.08), participated voluntarily. A total of four schools, two are in a village (45.5%, n= 211) and two are in a center (50.4%, n= 215), were selected from Niğde province in the middle of the Turkey by convenience sampling. Among the respondents, 48.8% were female (n = 208) and 51.2% were male (n = 218). The data were collected with "Bourdon Attention Test (Letter Form)-BAT" and "Computer Game Addiction Test ". As a result of the study, males' computer game addiction score was higher than females and females' attention score was higher than males. Increased computer game addiction was related to inattention. While there was no significant correlation between computer game addiction and school type, attention score was significantly different. Besides, there was low positive correlation between age and attention while there was no statistically significant correlation between age and computer game addiction.


Attention, Computer Game Addiction, Secondary School Students.

How to Cite this Article?

Tingaz, E. O., Altun, M., and Vural, S. N. (2019). Examination of Computer Game Addiction and Attention in Turkish Secondary School Students. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 13(1), 29-36.


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