Significance of R in Research

G. Sateesh*, B. Padmaja**, M. V. Bhuvaneswari***
*-*** Department of Computer Science Engineering, Lendi College of Engineering, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:June - August'2019


R is a great degree adaptable factual programming language and condition that is open source and unreservedly accessible for all standard working frameworks. The aim of this paper is to bring significance of R to the allied fields of Data science and development of R in different innovations like Data Analysis, Image Processing, Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning everything under data science advancements. R studio contributes numerous packages, which are valuable in their respective environment and projects effortlessly. Its short syntax structure to quicken tasks on the data, loading and storing information for both nearby and over web, an extensive rundown of long list of tools for data analysis pulls in clients to work with R. R demonstrates that imperative strategies not accessible somewhere else can be actualized in R effectively.


Big Data, R Studio, Image Processing, Machine learning.

How to Cite this Article?

Satheesh, G., Padmaja, B., Bhuvaneswari, M. V.(2019). Significance of R in Research, i-manager's Journal on Computer Science, 7(2), 1-7.


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