An IoT Based Smart Campus Architecture for Institutions in Developing Countries

Barroon Isma’eel Ahmad*, Muhammad Aminu Umar**, Mohammed Yahaya Tanko***, M. Pradeep kumar****, Ahmad Aminu Sambo*****, Aminu Onimisi Abdulsalami******, Abdulrazak Abdulrahim*******
*Professor,Department of Computer Science,Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria.
**_****,*******Lecturer,Department of Computer Science, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria.
******Assistant Lecturer,Department of Computer Science, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria.
Periodicity:July - December'2018


Internet of Things (IoT) related research has become an essential part of the growth of computing, as such there is the need to respond to the challenges of utilizing this aspect. Educational institutions should not be an exception, as they provide enabling environments to study and apply these possibilities. IoT is novel and holds the potentials of driving computing everywhere and anywhere. It also provides the possibility to collect and process variety of data that could widely influence smart campus initiatives. Smart campus makes institutions smarter and safer with improved efficiency and experiences for both students and staff. This paper explored smart campus concept and proposed a framework that could provide value added services for various people within the university environment. The components of the smart campus considered in this paper are smart education, smart mobility, smart health services, smart building and access control management.


Smart Campus, Smart Education, Smart Health, Smart Mobility, Sensors, Smart Building, IoT

How to Cite this Article?

Ahmad,B.I., Umar,M.A., Tanko,M.Y., Tenuche,S.S., Sambo,A.A., Abdulsalami,A.O., and Abdulrahim,A.(2018). An IoT Based Smart Campus Architecture for Institutions in Developing Countries. i-manager's Journal on Embedded Systems,7(1),18-25.


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