ReQueclass: A Framework for Classifying Requirement Elicitation Questions Based on Kipling's Technique and Zachman's Enterprise Framework - A Guide for Software Requirement Engineers

Salihu Abdulkadir*, Hamzat Olanrewaju Aliyu**
* Department of Computer Science, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria.
** School of Information and Communication Technology, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria.
Periodicity:October - December'2018


At present, interview is still considered one of the pragmatic approaches to gathering software requirements from the different stakeholders in a software project. Despite unrelenting efforts by researchers, requirements gathered using this method still suffer anomalies such as inconsistency and incompleteness; this problem is partly due to communication gaps between Requirement Engineers (RE) and project stakeholders and partly due to the RE directing some questions to the wrong persons. This paper proposes a framework, which mirrors the Zachman's Enterprise Framework to systematically classify requirement interview questions and assign different question categories to appropriate persons in a disciplined way. A working software project is used as an example to illustrate the use of the framework.


ReQueClass, Requirement Question Classification, Requirements Elicitation, Kipling Method, Zachman's Enterprise Framework

How to Cite this Article?

Abdulkadir, S., & Aliyu, H. O. (2018). Requeclass: A Framework for Classifying Requirement Elicitation Questions Based on Kipling's Technique and Zachman's Enterprise Framework, i-manager's Journal on Software Engineering, 13(2), 9-17.


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