A Feasibility Study On Drilling Of Metals Through Microwave Heating

Titto John George*, Apurbba Kumar Sharma**, Pradeep Kumar***
* Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India.
** Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India.
*** Dean, Finance & Planning and Professor, Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, IIT Roorkee, India.
Periodicity:February - April'2012
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jme.2.2.1562


In the present work, the feasibility studies for drilling of metals through microwave irradiation have been carried out. The trial experiments for drilling on aluminium, copper and stainless steel specimens of thickness 1 mm were carried out in domestic microwave oven of frequency 2.45 GHz at power 900 W. The bulk metallic materials reflect microwave radiations owing to low skin depth (few microns) at room temperature which makes it extremely difficult to achieve heating in bulk metals using microwaves. The heating of selective area of targeted metallic materials have been achieved by microwave hybrid heating technique by using suitable susceptor material. The susceptor readily couples with microwave and gets heated up rapidly which, in turn, elevates the temperature of target area of the bulk metallic sheet. At elevated temperature, the metallic sheet is deformed plastically by a drill bit of tungsten material through spring action. Consequently, the force required to create deformation has been reduced. Results of the initial trials have been discussed in the paper.


Microwave heating, Metals, Drilling

How to Cite this Article?

Titto John George, Apurbba Kumar Sharma and Pradeep Kumar (2012). A Feasibility Study On Drilling Of Metals Through Microwave Heating. i-manager’s Journal on Mechanical Engineering, 2(2), 1-6. https://doi.org/10.26634/jme.2.2.1562


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